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Pests in Baltimore

As the top Baltimore Pest Control company, we have learned a lot about the pests in Baltimore. Here you will find the most common pests in Baltimore and more information about them. Most of these pests are more than a nuisance, they can actually be dangerous, several even carry diseases! We are your Baltimore Pest Control Experts, and are ready to take care of these pest problems for you!


Mosquitoes adore Baltimore, but we don't seem to reciprocate their affection. Malaria, Zika virus, dengue fever, and the West Nile virus are all mosquito-borne illnesses that can cause severe diseases and viruses if contracted. 

Only female mosquitoes feed on humans, but they are the deadliest animals in the world. They cause more than 1 million deaths each year!

They multiply incredibly fast. Did you know the mosquito can lay its eggs in mud! They are so smart and determined to reproduce that they know the eggs can go dormant in the mud until the next rain. Then, the development begins all of a sudden! This is how it seems like there are so many more mosquitoes after rain! They also go crazy laying eggs every chance they get during wet periods. That is why they bite so much more during wet periods because they need the blood to lay eggs.

An interesting fact, only the female, goes for blood! The male doesn't need it! Learn more about our Baltimore Mosquito Control Service!

Bed Bugs

Baltimore has had much more than its fair share of Bed Bugs as well. Baltimore Md got ranked as the 2022 5th biggest bed bug problem city in America! This is not the same reason as mosquitoes, as bed bugs are indoor pests. The reason being is travel, as travelers can easily pick up bed bugs at hotels, airports, taxis, other ride-sharing services, subways, and more. People do not even know when they get picked up, as they can attach themselves to your luggage or clothing.

When you get home, they find hiding spots and search for where you rest, your bed, your furniture, anywhere you spend the most time. It doesn't take long, and the bed bugs will start laying eggs, and before you know it, you have new offspring going to work with you! This is how simple this problem spreads.

The excellent news is bedbugs do not spread diseases, not physically anyway. But they will cause mental torment and can cause harmful reactions to those allergic to them. The mental anguish of having these Baltimore bloodsuckers biting you at night is more than enough reason always to check your surroundings when you are out! Learn more about Baltimore Bed Bugs


Wasps are another enemy of Baltimore. With their ability to sting multiple times and the sting being so painful, it is the last pest you want to anger.

Baltimore has a vast range of Wasps. We have Yellow Jackets, Bald Faced Hornets, European Hornets, Paper Wasps, Mud Daubers, and many other wasp types. The nests some of these creatures create can be huge! Below you can find more Baltimore wasp information.

Yellowjackets in Baltimore

The yellowjacket, also known as the yellow jacket, is a species of predatorial social wasps belonging to the genus Vespula and Dolichovespula. They are most often referred to simply as wasps. The majority of these, such as the eastern yellowjacket Vespula maculifrons and the aerial yellowjacket Dolichovespula Arenaria, are black and yellow. Others may have a red abdomen background color instead of black. Yellowjackets are fast fliers with a distinctive, rapid side-to-side flight pattern approaching the ground. All females can sting. Yellowjackets are key pest insect predators.

Bald-Faced Hornet

The Bald Faced Hornet (scientifically known as Dolichovespula maculata) is a species of wasp in the genus Dolichovespula and a member of the cosmopolitan (The term "cosmopolitan" refers to something that may be found almost everywhere on Earth.) Vespidae family, which are also eusocial. A variety knows the bald-faced hornet of names, including bald-faced aerial yellowjacket, bald-faced wasp, bald hornet, white-faced hornet, black jacket, white-tailed hornet, bull wasp, and spruce wasp. It is not one of the actual true hornets in the genus Vespa. It's a species of yellowjacket wasp. Dolichovespula colonies contain 400 to 700 individuals, which is the largest known colony size in the species. It constructs a substantial hanging paper nest up to 58 cm (23 in) long and is notable for doing so. You do not want to upset this species, as invaders are vigorously fought by workers who sting repeatedly.

European Hornet

The European hornet is a eusocial wasp native to Europe. (Insects that cooperate to raise their young are said to be eusocial. This advanced level of social organization means a single female or caste produces the offspring and other non-reproductive individuals help care for them.) The European hornet is also the only genuine hornet found in North America, having been brought by European immigrants in the 1800s. Workers can reach up to an inch (25 mm) long, while queens are somewhat larger and reach 1.3 inches (35 mm).

Termites in Baltimore Md

Termites are destructive wood-eating insects that can cause significant structural damage to a home if left unchecked. They do more harm to homes every year in the United States than all reported fires and major storms combined!

The Eastern Subterranean Termite (Reticulitermes flavipes) is a termite species native to Maryland. It dwells underground, as its name indicates. Termites are extremely social insects that live in large colonies, and the colonies can get quite large and destructive. A termite colony has distinct castes, including a queen, soldiers, winged reproductives (swarmers), and workers. The swarmer form is the most frequently encountered by residents.

At certain times of the year, typically in spring after some good rains, it will send out swarmers if the termite colony has grown large enough. These swarmers are looking for new places to create a new colony. If you notice a lot of flying insects in your window, or even just a bunch of wings, then most likely, your Baltimore home has been infested with termites for quite some time. If you notice this outside of your home, such as around the base of your house or outdoor lighting at the edge of your home, then you might be about to get termites if your home is not protected.

Ants in Baltimore

Baltimore has several common species of ants, the most common are Carpenter ants, pharaoh ants, acrobat ants, odorous house ants, pavement ants, and field ants. Here is some more information about the most common ants found here.

Carpenter Ants

The Black Carpenter Ants are the most common in the Baltimore region. These large, black ants may become a problem for your home. They don't eat wood like termites but construct nests in wet or moist wood. They do this by removing all of the wood they can to open up an area to live. Once a carpenter ant nest is built in wet wood, it may be extended into healthy, dry wood. Tunneling can cause significant structural damage if it occurs in major structural wood. The presence of a carpenter ant colony inside the building is usually a substantial indication of a water leak somewhere.

The most typical 1/4 to 1/2 inch long and workers are frequently encountered by homeowners. Winged queens and males may be seen in the spring or early summer. These newly emerged reproductive forms are more noticeable than the workers and are the biggest ants in Maryland (up to 3/4 inch).

Pharaoh Ants

The pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis) is a small (2 mm) yellow or light brown ant. This ant is almost transparent and notorious for being a major indoor nuisance pest in Baltimore. The Pharaoh ant is polygynous. Polygynous implies that there are many queens in each colony, which leads to distinct caste interactions and colony dynamics. This also allows the colony to break up into bud colonies very rapidly.

Acrobat Ants aka Saint Valentine Ant

Acrobat ants, also known as Crematogaster, are a worldwide ecologically diverse genus of ants with a distinctive heart-shaped abdomen that gives them one of their popular names, the Saint Valentine ant. When startled, these ants will raise their abdomens.


Baltimore harbors plenty of ticks. Ticks are parasitic arthropods of the class Arachnida. They have eight legs, are not insects, and are related to spiders and mites. Some species of ticks are vectors for diseases that can affect humans. These include Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Tularemia, Q-fever, tick-borne relapsing fever, Southern tick-associated rash illness, babesiosis, and Powassan virus, to name a few. Ticks are usually found in tall grass, brushy or wooded areas but can also be found in urban settings.

Baltimore has several varieties of ticks, the most common being the American Dog Ticks, Brown Dog Ticks, Deer Ticks, and Lone Star Ticks.

Ticks can lay an incredible number of eggs and cause a fast infestation. So if you notice ticks around your home, it is best to get your property treated as soon as possible.


Baltimore has a large rodent population, including Rats and Mice. These rodents can carry many different diseases, especially hantavirus. Hantavirus is caused by a virus found in the urine, saliva, or feces of infected rodents. Illness is just one problem with rodents; they are also very destructive. Rats and mice can eat through wood, wires, insulation, drywall, etc. This unwanted destruction of your property is another reason to call us if you suspect rodents in or around your home. Some of the most common rodents in Baltimore are listed below.

Roof Rat aka Black Rat

The name "roof rat" comes from its inclination to seek refuge in the upper portions of structures such as attics of homes. Unfortunately, roof rats gnaw through materials within and spread disease via contamination of stored food and as vectors of deadly illnesses.

It is also known as a house rat or ship rat and is a Murinae subfamily rodent belonging to the common long-tailed rats of the Rattus genus. It probably originated in the Indian subcontinent, but roof rats are now found worldwide. The black rat has a lighter underside that is black to light brown.

Norway Rat aka Brown Rat

The brown rat also has many other names such as the sewer rat, street rat, wharf rat, Norway rat, Norwegian rat, Hanover rat, or Parisian rat and is a widespread type of common rat. It is a brown or grey rat with a head and body length of up to 28 cm and a tail slightly shorter.

Deer Mice

The deer mouse, often known as the eastern deer mouse, is a mammal from North America's eastern region. Like other Peromyscus species, it may serve as a vector and reservoir for emerging infectious illnesses like hantaviruses and Lyme disease.

House Mice

The house mouse, scientifically known as Mus musculus, is a tiny mammal belonging to the Rodentia order with a pointed snout, enormous rounded ears, and a lengthy and almost hairless tail. The house mouse is one of the, if not the most common species in the genus Mus.


Baltimore has plenty of wildlife and can be a beautiful sight at a park, but it becomes a different story when these creatures invade your home or business. The most common wildlife pests that we deal with are groundhogs, moles, voles, raccoons, opossums, and squirrels (although a fun fact, some of these pests, such as squirrels, are rodents!)


The groundhog is a type of rodent belonging to the family Sciuridae, genus Marmota, and order Rodentia. Groundhogs may wreak havoc on farmers and home gardeners, much to their delight. They adore eating veggies, leaving the soil weak in locations where they dig and causing damage to farm machinery and injuries to horses and livestock.


Moles are small mammals that live underground. They have fur that is soft and velvety. They have tiny eyes and ears, short hind limbs with large feet for digging, and powerful front limbs. Moles are a problem since they create underground tunnels, which damage grasses. Molehills and mole ridges reduce the beauty of grass and flower beds, while their tunneling damages young plant roots and exposes stones that can harm lawn equipment.


Voles are tiny rodents related to lemmings and hamsters, but with a bulkier body, a shorter hairy tail, a somewhat rounder head, smaller ears and eyes, and differently shaped molars. Some people call voles field mice or meadow mice. Voles also can ruin lawns and ground covers as they dig and create tunnels.


Raccoons are medium-sized mammals native to North America. They can be real pests when they choose to take shelter in your attic, garage, or storage shed. Not only can raccoons cause damage, but they can also create quite a mess! When raccoons shelter in your home, they will find food wherever they can, and that can be your trash cans! Raccoons are also known to carry several diseases that can be transferred through direct contact with an infected raccoon or indirect contact with items that have been exposed to infected raccoons. Raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris), leptospirosis, and rabies are just a few of the illnesses that raccoons may spread.

Baltimore Pest Control

If you are having issues in your Baltimore home with any of these pests, give us a call! We provide pest control services in Baltimore and the surrounding areas and would be more than happy to take care of these pest control needs to keep your family and your home safe and protected!