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Baltimore MD Bed Bug FAQ

Baltimore MD Bed Bug FAQ

Bed bugs are small nocturnal insects that prefer to feed on people’s blood. They are a growing problem in the United States, including in Baltimore, MD, and can be found in homes, hotels, cars, schools, and hospitals. Bed bugs have been around since the first sin but have recently become more common because of increased travel and resistance to certain pesticides. Bed bug bites can result in a wide range of signs and symptoms though most do not experience any health effects. Though it is rare for bed bug problems to result in serious medical complications, anyone who suspects bed bugs may have bitten them should contact Queen “B” Pest Services in Baltimore ASAP for consultation and treatment options.

What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are small, somewhat nocturnal, wingless insects that feed on the blood of people and animals. They are oval-shaped and reddish-brown. Adult bed bugs are about 1/4 inch long with an oblong shape. After feeding, they look darker red to black as their engorged bodies contract from the meal.
Bed bugs are not known to transmit diseases, but their bites can cause some people skin rashes, psychological effects, and allergic symptoms.

What do bed bugs look like?

Bed bug adults are small, wingless insects that are oval-shaped and reddish-brown. After feeding, they appear darker red to black from the engorged blood in their bodies. Bed bug nymphs (young) are smaller than adults and are translucent or pale yellow in color.

Where do bed bugs live?

Bed bugs can live in many places, but they tend to prefer:
Mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and headboards
Other furniture such as chairs and couches
They can also be found in cars or other vehicles. If you think you might have a bed bug problem, look for them in the seams of your mattress and other furniture.

How do I know if I have bed bugs?

Bed bugs are often found in the seams of mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and other areas around your bed. Live bed bugs can also be seen crawling on the mattress and furniture.
You may also find blood spots on your sheets or pillowcases if a bed bug has bitten you. In addition, bed bug fecal matter, which looks like coffee grounds or black pepper, may appear on surfaces near where they hide, such as baseboards, cracks or crevices around mattress tags and seams, behind wall outlets, and light switch plates.

Do bed bugs bite?

Yes, bed bugs do bite. And they’re not picky about who they take a bite out of either—both humans and animals can be bitten by bed bugs (including dogs!). But because we shed blood and skin cells on our beds all day long, these tiny bloodsuckers know where to find their next meal.
Bed bug bites look like small red welts that itch intensely until they heal several days or weeks later (depending on your sensitivity). While bed bug bites aren’t known to transmit disease, they can cause severe psychological distress due to the persistent itching sensation caused by the saliva-containing anticoagulant that inflames the skin tissue surrounding them.

Do bed bugs spread disease?

No, bed bugs do not spread disease. However, their saliva can cause skin rashes, psychological effects, and allergic reactions in some people.

How do I get rid of bed bugs?

If you think you have a Baltimore bed bug problem, contact Queen “B” Pest Services for consultation and treatment options. Our experienced Baltimore Bed Bug team can help identify the source of your problem and develop a plan to eliminate them.

How do bed bugs travel?

Bed bugs are mainly spread through human activity such as:
· People carrying them on their clothes or in their luggage
· Used furniture or mattresses
· Shared bedding or towels
· Public transportation, including buses, trains, and taxis

Can bed bugs fly?

No, bed bugs cannot fly. Bed bugs can only crawl from one place to another or hitch a ride on your clothing or even your purse!

What are the signs of a bed bug infestation?

The most common signs of bed bug infestations are:
· Small, red welts on your skin that itch intensely
· Blood spots on your sheets or pillowcases
· Bed bug fecal matter, which looks like coffee grounds or black pepper, on surfaces near where they hide.

What kinds of problems do bed bugs cause people?

While bed bugs aren’t known to spread disease, they can cause several problems for people:
Itching, rashes, and skin irritation. Bed bugs bite humans and animals to feed on their blood. The bites usually appear as small reddish welts which may itch or tingle. Sometimes, bed bug bites may also lead to infection if scratched or rubbed excessively while healing. Suppose you are experiencing skin irritation after being bitten by a bed bug. In that case, you must seek medical attention and tell your doctor the location where the bed bug bit you so they can test it for any possible allergic reaction or infection caused by an insect bite.
Anxiety and stress. Bed bugs are small, but they can cause a big problem in your life if you let them. Many people experience anxiety and stress when dealing with a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs are hard to eliminate, and their bites can be very itchy and annoying.
Sleep problems. Bed bugs can cause sleep problems for people who are trying to sleep in an infested area. This is because the bugs can bite people while they are sleeping, leading to itching and irritation that can make it hard to sleep.

What should I do if I think I have a problem with bed bugs in Baltimore?

Take steps fast to prevent getting a problem with bed bugs in Baltimore. First, ensure that the places you spend most of your time are clean and free of clutter. Second, if you suspect a problem, call the bed bug exterminators at Queen “B” Pest Services immediately.
If you already have a problem with bed bugs, don’t panic—Queen “B”, a professional Baltimore pest control company can help!

What can I do to prevent getting a problem with bed bugs?

Keep your house clean.
Don’t bring used furniture into your home.
Don’t bring used clothing into your house.
Don’t bring used bedding into your house.
Don’t bring used toys into your house.
Don’t bring used electronics into your home.

Baltimore bed bug problems are common, but you can take steps to prevent them and treat them if they happen.

Baltimore bed bugs are a widespread problem. You may think that bed bugs are just a problem for you if you stay in hotels, but don’t be misled: these pests exist all over the world, in homes and apartments of all kinds, from East Coast to West Coast, everywhere in between.

Bed bugs are not just a problem for poor people or those who travel frequently. They can be found anywhere people live or work—even on cruise ships! In addition, bed bug infestations happen even to people who have pets (or have recently had pets) since bed bugs can survive for around 18 months without feeding on blood.

I understand ed bugs may seem unlikely to worry about if you’re staying at home rather than vacationing across Europe or Asia. It’s important to remember that bed bugs do not discriminate based on travel or socioeconomic status—they will find their way into your home too!

Call for the top bed bug treatment in Baltimore.

If you think you may have a problem with Baltimore bed bugs, the best thing to do is call a professional bed bug control company like Queen “B” Pest Services right away. We will come to your Baltimore home and inspect for bed bugs, and if we find them, we will develop a bed bug treatment plan customized to your specific situation.

Queen “B” is your Baltimore Bed Bug Experts

Queen “B” Pest Services is a professional pest control company serving the Baltimore area for decades. We are experts in Baltimore bed bug removal and will work diligently to rid your home of these pesky pests as quickly and effectively as possible. Give us a call today to schedule a free consultation!